Compressor Orings
Supplying OEM quality.
International Indrustrial Products Inc. (IIP) has been in the Manufacturing Business for over 30 years providing only the best quality in AC compressor Seals & Components, Water Pump Seals & Components, Industrial Valves, O-rings, Rare Earth Permanent Magnets, Industrial Diamond Head Tools to the North American, European and Asian Markets.

ISO/TS 16949:2009 Certified
The IIP corporate philosophy operates as our underlying set of principles with which we guide the development and operations of our business.
Customer Success is Our Success. At IIP we never take the client or end-user for granted. It is not sufficient that we have made a sale, but that the client achieves the results promised. If our clients succeed we will continue to succeed.
Quality is Our Business. Today clients have come to expect quality in everything they purchase. There is no substitute.
People Are Our Key Resource. In the age of technology many products are sufficient to resolve the standard problems presented daily. What differentiates companies is ever more the quality of their support and thus their people. IIP believes hiring the best and providing the environment and support so they can perform their best. It is on the quality of our people that we are building our future.
Technology is Our Foundation. At IIP we continually survey industry developments for the real trends and not just the latest fad. By building on the best that technology has to offer we can leverage our future in the most profitable direction available.
Productivity is Our Mandate. Technology by itself is sterile. But technology directed to achieving increased productivity for business is a sure way to success.
Globalization is Our Strategy. The global neighborhood is now a reality. IIP has developed strong relationships with companies from Asia and soon from Europe and South America. We are well placed to market internationally through these channels.